
2017-18 Grand Slam of Curling Season Begins

Flying Over Saskatchewan

We kicked off the Grand Slam of Curling Season in the GSOC Tour Challenge! The week-long tournament was held in Regina, SK. Coming from Toronto we were expecting cooler temperatures, but that was not the case. There was sweltering summer weather all week long, with average temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius. 

Matt Camm Electric Chair

For the majority of the week, we only had one game per day. The light schedule left us with a lot of down-time.  In between work, food, and rest we decided to check out "The Escape Manor."  We thought, what better way to pass the time then to lock ourselves in a room together and try to escape. 

The first room was prison-themed. Called the "Prison Break," we were falsely accused and on death row. We had 45 minutes to find clues and escape before being executed. We were so close to escaping if only our lead (Tim March) could keep his hands off things that are clearly labeled "Do Not Touch!" What can we say, he's a curious guy.  In the end, we received the death sentence, and Mat Camm was the first to go. 

Team Epping Escape Room

The second room was set up like an Asylum. We had to escape before a mad Doctor returned to lobotomize us. Tim didn't touch anything he wasn't supposed to, and we were able to escape in the time allotted. If you have never tried an escape room before, we would highly recommend it.

We also took a few trips to the Regina Casino where we tried our luck at some tables and slots. Some of us fared better than others. Let's just say, if you ever want to learn how to play blackjack our skipper (John Epping) is your man.

Team Epping

We had a great week on the ice! We went undefeated into the playoffs. Eventually falling to team Edin in a tight quarterfinal game where we were down 4-0, and we battled back. The final score was 5-4 for Team Edin. 

We wanted to thank all of the volunteers and Sportsnet crew for a great GSOC 2017-18 Season kick off! Thanks to all of our fans for your cheers and words of support throughout the event. 

We're looking forward to the Grand Slam Of Curling Masters coming up on October 24-29 in Lloydminster, SK!

- Team Epping